Online Courses Review looks at Dan Henry’s Funnels & Ads For Entrepreneurs
Remember the first online course you bought?
It was probably a $37 ebook that promised to send heaps of traffic to your site using a ‘magical free’ formula?
Did it work?
I have no idea… I couldn’t execute their plan…
The course told me to create a network of mini-sites. I did about five and gave up.
You probably have a similar story…
To sell information online at this point, a guru must have a sterling reputation and actual results.
Oh… and a killer Lamborghini doesn’t hurt…
Enter a charismatic guy with a backstory that begs the question, “If he can go from Pizza Boy to Rich Guy… Why Can’t I?”
Dan Henry claims he was so broke he couldn’t afford a proper wedding. You would feel bad if you were so broke you had to share your wife’s employee meal from the restaurant where she worked to support you both.
You know how it feels, sinking everything into an online venture only to have it fail and leave you less than broke. I’ve been there. It sucks.
But who cares, right? This is a review on Facebook course, not a biography of another marketer with a Lamborghini.
So let’s get down to it…
Do I think the Dan Henry Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs Course is everything it claims to be?
I bought it… But Should YOU buy it?
That’s a complicated question. To begin with, let me reiterate what you already know… Dan Henry delivers massive value via his free content webinars and posts. The same holds true inside his member’s area.
I haven’t counted how many hours of video and instruction are contained in the modules, but it’s significant. Let me say that again… It’s a lot. Enough to ‘slow-walk’ a beginner and to also deliver high value to an expert.
We run Facebook ads. A lot of Facebook ads…
So the ‘ads and funnels’ section was a great refresher for us, picking up a tip here and there. The product is not sold as an advanced Facebook ad course and in Dan’s defence, 99% of all marketers will never need more than what he describes. It’s a toolbox filled with the most valuable hammers and nails used by most successful inbound marketers. If you master what Dan teaches, you would be very valuable to yourself and a wide range of businesses.
You will get a deep-dive understanding of the Facebook pixel, conversion tracking, custom audiences, interest targeting, look-alike audiences, and the pitfalls associated with poor strategy. Just about anyone from a new guy to an old pro could use these strategies to run winning campaigns in a few days.
Dan also discusses funnels (as the name implies). The backbone to this implementation is Clickfunnels (surprise). Dan uses this an opportunity to gently push folks to his Clickfunnels affiliate link (hence the Lamborghini). Those of you who have issue with this are most likely broke or are new to internet marketing. Clickfunnels makes a great funnel… Affiliate Marketing is a great way to make money… Get over it.
To be fair, it is not a masterclass in funnel creation. But it is More Than Enough to get a real agency started. Could my mom do it for herself? No… (Sorry mom). But my younger brother could implement it without question. He has never run an ad and thinks a funnel is that white thing in the kitchen drawer.
The portion of the class about how to get people involved with your brand is detailed and actionable. However, Dan doesn’t have you spend 20 hours hand-drawing your customer avatar, giving them a name, and describing what car they drive. He wants you to know your customer, but he also wants you to get off your ass, get out of the research phase, and on to the money making.
Why did we buy this course?

The agency info. (Getting clients, proposals, etc.)
Like I said, we run tons of ads. We send more email per month than most ‘internet marketers’ combined. We know SEO, copywriting, all manner of analytics, course creation, membership sites, upsells, downsells, and every piece of IM jargon backwards and forwards. But we weren’t an agency. Up until now, we promoted just our own products and properties.
We have been in this space for long enough to know that ‘figuring it out on your own’ is a recipe for not having anything accomplished in two months…
So we find mentors. If we need it, we buy one-on-one coaching. We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on coaching and courses. One of our websites is dedicated to Online Courses, we love them so much.
That being said, we needed info on how to move our success into the agency space. We bought the course, did what Dan said, a few days later we had 10 potential clients. Eight weren’t a good fit. We are in talks with two big companies.
So it works… Thanks Dan!
Some other valuable tidbits:
- How to structure an inbound campaign to cold traffic that establishes value first.
- Audience Targeting: You’re Doing it Wrong.
- The Difference between Ice Cream and Mortgages.
- Why Your Ads Suck (and how to create ones that don’t)
- Why Dan wears Silly Hats (and drives a Lamborghini)
- How Much a Jello Shot Costs
- Retargeting is Kinda Sexy (and why you need it)
- The Secret of Free Massages
- How to Know What to Sell (or nobody cares what you ‘think will work’)
- Getting Clients (even if you’re a moron)
We rarely review a marketing course. The reason? Most of them are awful.
Not this one.
Is it the most in-depth course covering all aspects of funnels and ads? Nope. But it is a very solid foundation for beginning and intermediate marketers, with some great coaching for guys who have been around the block a few times… Facebook and Funnels in a box.
If you are in this space and need this, you are kind of a dummy if you don’t get it…
We tip our silly hat to Dan Henry (and his Lamborghini)…
-The Boys at Online Courses Review
Curious? Check out the Dan Henry Course Here