19 Best Online Artificial Intelligence Courses

Artificial intelligence (AI), also called machine intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines. The name represents a system that shows the ability to deal with new situations. The main goal of AI is to develop programs that teach computers to approach decisions in a human manner. This involve cognitive functions such as problem-solving and learning skills. Modern AI focuses on the development of translation systems, the recognition of natural speech and autonomous agents. Check out the list of 19 Best Artificial intelligence courses.

Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI: Make real-world apps by using AI: Learn how powerful machine intelligence really is! Kirill, the instructor of the course, teaches students how to build Artificial Intelligence. Learning how to build artificial intelligence opens up a whole new world for students. You will start your learning process with games. Games are the perfect environment to see all advantages of Artificial Intelligence. During the course, you will learn how to build games and solve real-world problems with AI.

Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python: Would you like to become Data Scientists? Data Scientists have top-paying jobs with an average salary of $120,000. The job is very interesting and full of challenges. People who have basic programming experience can apply for the course. The teacher covers topics such as deep learning, K-Means Clustering and Regression analysis. If you don’t use Python, the instructor has prepared a crash course for you. Ideal candidates for the course are software developers and data analysts.

Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python: What is Reinforcement learning? When people think about AI they often imagine a system that plays chess or drives cars. Reinforcement Learning does all that and even more. It opens up a whole new world! The teacher covers the following topics. You will learn about the multi-armed bandit problem, MDPs, Dynamic Programming and more. If you are ready to discover Al techniques that you have never seen before, enroll in the course. The targeted candidates are both, beginners and professionals.

The Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Unity: If you are new to this, enroll in the course. This is a beginners guide for students who want to learn how to programme characters for games. Before you take the course, there is one rule. All potential students should be familiar with C# and Unity Game Development Engine. If you are eligible, don’t miss the opportunity. Penny, the teacher, demonstrates how to use AI techniques to create behavior in games. Through this process, you will learn about vectors, waypoints, navmeshes, crowds and more.

Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python: Reinforcement learning has been present since the 70s. The combination of deep learning with reinforcement learning has created self-driving cars. There is a difference between supervised and unsupervised ML and reinforcement learning. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning is for analyzing and making data predictions. Reinforcement learning is a process of training an agent to interact with an environment. In the course, you will learn how to build various deep learning agents. You will also learn how to apply advanced reinforcement algorithms to any problem.

Artificial Intelligence II – Neural Networks in Java: Learn about artificial neural networks. Holczer Balazs is a physicist and currently working as simulation engineer. In the course, he covers the following fields. You will learn about the theory of neural networks, Hopfield networks and logical operators. The first part of the course is about optimization techniques such as brute-force algorithm and genetic algorithm. Instead of optimization, the instructor puts the main focus on back-propagation. By the end of the course, you will learn how to start a neural network from scratch.

Artificial Intelligence I: Basics and Games in Java: How to create smart apps? Learn the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence that help you build smart apps. Algorithms that you are going to learn here are everywhere, from software engineering to investment banking. In the first part of the course, the teacher talks about basic graph algorithms. The second part is about local search and the last part is about minimax algorithm. After all, you can use all gained knowledge to make a game such as chess or tic-tac-toe game.

Artificial Intelligence Website Creation 2018 (No Coding): Create a website by using AI. As you can notice in the title of the course, you don’t need coding skills for this project. The course is for everyone who wants to create a website fast. The main goal of the course is to save your time you spend to create a website. You will learn how to make a professional website without using any design tool or WordPress. To build websites you will use Artificial Intelligence Technology. Developers who want to level up their skills are good candidates the course.

Artificial Intelligence Video Creation: Amazing Video Tools: Level up your video editing skills! You don’t need to use an expensive software with a lot of options to create great videos. In the course, the instructor teaches students how to create videos by using the tool called Biteable. You will get step-by-step instructions on how to create great videos by using this tool. The main benefit of using Biteable is saving a lot of time. The tool provides a lot of possibilities for users. You can choose templates, use your own designs, music or pictures.

Artificial Intelligence: History, Present and Future of AI: Learn technologies related to AI. There is a different perception of what artificial intelligence is. People look different at this term. AI is a development of methods and algorithms that allow computers to behave in an intelligent way. In the course, the teacher speaks about methods and algorithms. You will learn about the history and the future of Artificial Intelligence. The idea of AI was something that has been interesting for a people for a long time.

Game Devs Unleash Artificial Intelligence: Flocking Agents: Razvan Pistolea is a machine learning engineer. He teaches students to create artificial intelligent agents that have flocking behavior. You will learn how to observe flocking behavior in nature, decompose it into meaningful parts and gather them to create the whole. If you have basic computer science skills and you are familiar with any game engine, the course is for you. The course has a theoretical approach and practical approach. Programmers who want to add realistic bird flocking or fish schooling behaviors to games or movies are welcomed to the course.

Artificial Intelligence III – Deep Learning in Java: Holczer have a master degree in applied mathematics. In the course, he goes through all topics relevant to the filed. You will learn fundamentals of deep-learning, libraries, and see some deep-learning examples. Next, the teacher talks about convolutional neural networks. The convolutional neural network is the most popular deep learning approach that is applied to self-driving cars. At the end of the course, the teacher talks about Recurrent neural networks. Before you enroll in the course, be sure that you have basic Math and Java skills.

“Basic Course in Digital Banking” – Story of Digital Banking: Artificial Intelligence? Blockchain? Big-data? You have probably heard something about these terms. If you want to learn more about it, enroll in the course. The course covers everything you can learn about digital banking. The teacher covers nine banks from nine countries and explains their functionalities. You will learn about the internet and mobile banking, social networks, Artificial Intelligence, Big data and more. You will also learn about back-end products such as legacy transformations, OCR, and more.

Sales Force Developer: Artificial Intelligence For Beginners: AI is the future! There are various subsets of AI such as deep learning and natural language processes. After the teacher explains everything about AI, you will learn how to apply it to sale force data. Next, he talks about an Einstein platform and explains the functionality of this application. The course is for beginners. If you are a Salesforce developer or a Web developer who wants to level up a career, join the course.

Artificial Intelligence #3:kNN & Bayes Classification method: In the course, you will learn about k-Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes Classification Methods. k-NN is a type of instant-base learning. The k-NN algorithm is one of the simplest machine learning algorithms. Naive Bayes classifiers came from a family of simple “probabilistic classifiers”. To be able to follow the course you need to have basic statistics and python programming skills.

Python: A-Z Artificial Intelligence with Python: 5-in-1: This is an introduction to artificial intelligence. You will have an opportunity to learn about supervised and unsupervised algorithms. The course has five sections. In the first section, you will learn basic things related to Artificial Intelligence. The teacher talks about applications, branches, and modeling of AI. The second section is about classification and regression using supervised learning. You will learn about predictive analytics with ensemble learning and detect patterns through unsupervised learning. You will learn how to apply these algorithms to filtering and movie recommendations.

Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Machine Learning: Learn advanced concepts to perform machine learning tasks. The lessons of the course are presented through Jupiter notebook. The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to run and change the code by yourself. You can create and share documents that contain visualizations and narration. The instructor teaches you how to use supervised and unsupervised models, overfitting, underfitting and more. Basic math skills would be considered an advantage.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) for Beginners: Are you a manager who needs to learn AI? You are at the right place! The course is designed for people who don’t have 20+ hours to spend on Machine Learning. The course is going to provide essential techniques of AI in less than 2 hours. Kumaresan Ramanathan has 15 years of experience in managing technology teams. It is recommended to take the course for the following reasons. You will be able to manage AI projects, estimate resource requirements and make technical choices.

Deep Learning: An Introduction: Deep Learning is the fastest growing field in the industry. If you want to find your own place in this filed, take the course. Since Deep learning is a subfield of Machine learning, it can help people to boost their career opportunities. This rising technology will secure you the best job position in top organizations. Anyone who has basic math skills and the will to learn hard is welcomed to the course. By the end of the course, you will understand how deep learning works and set up a base for Artificial Intelligence.

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